Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Josephs BrauFEST: Part 1

Hello all, and welcome back to this, the first 2014 edition of Younge's Beer Review! To start, I'm kicking off with a four part special, covering a variety pack of beers from Jospehs Brau. If the name is any tip-off, the Brewery is directly related to Trader Joe's, brewed specially for them by Gordon Biersch. Sold (where else?) at Trader Joe's stores, JB is one of the more creative store-owned labels offered. For the next month, I'll be reviewing one of the four Beers in the winter variety pack: Vienna Style Lager, Bavarian Style Heffeweizen, Plznr and the WinterBrew. I haven't decided if I'll do them all this week, or spread it out over two, so check back soon. But enough details, let's start this thing already!

Josephs Brau Vienna Style Lager

Looks legit.

Let's begin with the nose. Opening the bottle reveals a honey-sweet scent, complete with a mealy hint. Hardly a trace of hops, as is typical of mass produced light lagers. The first taste is similar; like drinking a sweet Hawaiian roll. Pouring a dark amber, the Vienna Lager fizzles into a light head that dissipates almost instantly. Lighter than most amber beers, but this one nonetheless has a bit of an unexpected bite. Even at 5.7% ABV, it can feel a bit heady to drink.

As the beverage warms a bit, some of the more subtle flavors become apparent. The light bittering hops give off tastes of hazelnut, and possibly almond. In addition, the beer starts to fill the drinker, creating a pleasant warmth of fullness that you might get accompanying a hearty meal (which I highly recommend pairing with this!) The carbonation is a fizzy, soda-like variety, and only serves to enhance the sweetness. It does this very well, however. Over time, I got a suspicious feeling that the Vienna Lager is made from melted down candy bars; all that is missing is the chocolate. Altogether, it's a nice lightly hopped after dinner lager that carries more taste than most Store-Brand products.

Final Score: 7/10.

Happy Drinking,

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