Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wexford Creme Ale

Hello Beer drinkers, and welcome back to another edition of Younge's Beer Review! Today I am sampling an interesting Beverage that was recently given to me as a gift. Wexford Creme Ale is a delightful Irish-style Red, with a creamy head and an unbeatable smoothness. I say Irish-style, of course, because the Beer itself is actually Brewed in Suffolk, UK. Wexford comes in a can, and uses a nitrogen widget, similar to popular stouts like Guinness. Popping the top and taking a whiff reveals a mellow sweetness, characteristic of English Pub Ales (my favorite!). It also shares a common pour with stouts: as if flows into the glass, the head billows out and slowly ascends to the top, forming a very creamy crown atop the golden body.

Tasting Wexford is a pleasant, albeit simple experience. There isn't much depth to it, like most English Goldens and Reds. Instead, the drink is smoothly imbibed in either sips or gulps, refreshing and leaving the thinnest of finishes. The hop profile is nearly nonexistent, more of a nip than a bite. Honestly, I could drink this stuff instead of water, it's so refreshing. At the end of the day, there isn't anything particularly exciting about Wexford, but it sure is satisfying.

Score: 8/10

Seeya next week!

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