Hey all, welcome back to this fall edition of
Younge's Beer Review. I have been absent form this blog for a bit, due to sickness (see: Antibitoics + Alcohol), but I'm back just in time for an excellent entry. It's October the 3rd, making this officially the last day of a very special holiday,
Oktoberfest! The Bavarian tradition has years of history behind it, so today's selection will pay homage to it. Today I am sampling the
Oktoberfest-Marzen from Ayinger, a medium sized private Brewery in Aying, Germany. According to
Wikipedia, this is technically not on the short list of official Oktoberfest brews, but since I'm in the states, I'll give myself a pass (although you really should try some of those, they are delicious!)
Ayinger's offering opens up with a nice full bodied smell that nips the nose a bit. It pours into a yellow-amber colored body and keeps a stable thick foamy head for a bit. The taste is very malty, as expected of a German festival lager, and not too heavy on the alcohol (5.8%). Very traditional as I understand it,
Ayinger makes a solid beverage in this category. Sipping it leaves little finish, so It's recommended to take it in big, tasty gulps. Overall, the beer is nice and refreshing, and far better than standard festival fare offered on this side of the pond.
Ayinger earns high marks for that alone, although it would have been nice to see something stand out out about it. Oh wait, it comes in a half Liter bottle...that'l do!
Score: 7/10
Happy Oktoberfest, and see you all again soon. Happy Drinking!