Monday, August 20, 2012

Something new, from somewhere old

Hey folks! Since it's Monday evening, it is time for another edition of Younge's Beer review. Today I will be continuing my European fixation with a rather interesting looking selection from France, of all places. The Fischer Amber ale actually smelled almost musty when i first opened it, but that may be due to a long time on the shelf. After pouring, it gives off a mild but flavor-promising nose, typical of an Amber (my favorite style of beer). The head pours thick and bubbly, and subsides not too quickly, leaving a thin film in the center and a thicker bit on the side. The foam looks almost as if it is sticking to the side of the glass, while the clear amber/brass colored beverage underneath manages to stay lightly carbonated.

The first taste is surprisingly, a bit sour, with a lightly bitter malt finish. A sipping beer could probably make a good short definition for this beer. Despite the surprise, it isn't bad; just a bit light on the up-front taste. Seriously, the finish is what really defines this Amber, as it hits on a 2 second or so delay. The only real disappointment lies in the lack of a clearly defined up-front taste (it's a bit watery, really). Overall though, a full-of-surprises, not bad little import that seems to keep rather well. Oh, and it's 6% ABV, a tad above it's craft counterparts here in the states.

Final Rating: 7/10

Until next time, happy drinking!

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