Hey all! Welcome to my beer review blog. As an amateur beer taster, and being rather inexperienced in the formalities of such, I thought that I would take it upon myself to start up a review site for others who, like me, enjoy beer but want to learn a bit about what their drinking along the way. Let's start the adventure!
My first selection is a rather strong one, with taste as dark and evil as it's name suggests. Avery Brewing Company's Samael's Oak Aged Ale is one hell of a brew, at ~15% abv. When I picked this sucker up, I neglected to check the label, or even wonder why it's only sold in single 12oz. bottles. At $7.99, it seemed a bit over the top as well, but...let's just say I felt...tempted.
As one of the three "Demons of Ale" collection at Avery, this beer stays truer to the name than I could expect. Smelling strongly of plums and raisins, a very sweet flavor is expected. Upon the first taste, you get just that, along with a smoky, heady finish, which stays in your chest like liquor. The brew actually feels a bit like a brandy, with it's overly sweet tones and strong smell. Careful drinking this, 1/2 of the way in and it already makes you feel a bit hazy. Definitely a beer for sipping cautiously, and i'm not sure what kind of food would go well with it, if any at all. Given its price tag, alcohol content and strong flavors, this is certainly not a beer for an average drinker. Proceed with caution, but enjoy this unique hell-born concoction. Until next time, happy drinking!
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