Thursday, April 3, 2014

New Belgium Trippel

Hello again, and welcome to the first April edition of Younge's Beer Review! It has been awhile since I've put another one of these out, as i've been rather busy with eSports stuff, and pursuing my shoutcasting/ journalism career. I finally got around to browsing the liquor isle at my local Grocery store, and came upon an interesting bevy of New Belgium creations. As you seasoned Beer drinkers will know, the Fort Collins, CO based Brewery is a favorite of mine. Adding to the list of my NB reviews today is the aptly-named Trippel. An Ale Brewed with Coriander, according to its label, the Belgian-style is lightly smooth, flavorful and filling, while not going overboard on spices as some similar drinks do.

Let's start with the nose. Sweet, but mildly sour, it is apparent that this is a lighter beverage than the typical Belgian-Style American Ale. I drank this straight from the bottle, so I didn't get a profile of the pour/head. The first taste is quite pleasant, a burst of almost salty malt, a touch of hops, and a small finish that fades in under a minute. In all honesty, I was expecting something a little more exciting out of New Belgium, considering this was even in tune to their namesake. Ah well, not every drink can measure up to the hype.

Overall it's a nice Beer, but does little to be adventurous. I'd give it a 6.5/10 overall for satisfying and filling me up, but giving only a touch of satisfaction. Join us again next time, for another NB selection!